France: Le Pen Begs Jews to Let Her Attend Massive Ceremony Honoring Dead Holohoaxer

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 30, 2018

Marine Le Pen, leader of the philosemitic National Front party

White people are killed every week in France by Moslems.

But when it happens to a Jew, everyone goes nuts.

And this sickening bitch Le Pen wants to go grovel before the kikes?


Far-right French leader Marine Le Pen is insisting on attending a march in honor of a slain Holocaust survivor, despite criticism from France’s leading Jewish group.

Her National Front party called on members to attend silent marches in Paris and around the country Wednesday in tribute to 85-year-old Mireille Knoll, stabbed in what authorities call an anti-Semitic attack.

The head of the CRIF Jewish group said the National Front and members of the far-left would not be welcome at the marches because of anti-Semitic sentiment among their members.

Look, it would be one thing if Le Pen was like “hey, let’s tone down the Jew hate.” I wouldn’t agree with it, but that would be one thing.

But that isn’t the thing.

The thing here is that this bitch GROVELS before the Jews.

“Oh, please, please, please, let me come and pay my respects for the Holocaust survivor!”

It’s disgusting.

She has crushed he father’s legacy into dust – and she will gain nothing for it.

That, my friends, is why women should be locked in cages from the beginning.