4-Year-Old Aryan Boy Kicked Out of Restaurant for Dress Code Violation

Saboteur 365
July 7, 2014

Lewis Roberts and his unacceptable shirt.

Graciousness and forgiveness are good qualities practiced by many white persons, but not by so many members of other races and ethnicities. Thus, it’s not surprising that when a restaurant apologized to the family of Lewis Roberts for kicking the boy out for his sleeveless shirt that the family graciously accepted the apology and promise to visit the restaurant again.

If a black youngster were to be kicked out in the same circumstances, there would be lawsuits, race hustling by Sharpton and Jackson, and probably the black boy and family would be invited to the White House for lunch with the POTUS and FLOTUS. Did I forget the restaurant boycott, the fired manager, and the FBI investigation?

The American secular religion of Negro worship, replacing a dying, weak, ineffectual Christianity, has no bounds on its destructive impulses.

And that’s just one more reason we MUST sabotage this corrupt System to extinction before it destroys the remnants of tradition and decency.

Boy and family kicked out of this restaurant.

Daily Mail:

The manager of an upscale eatery in Atlanta, Georgia, kicked a four-year-old boy out at lunchtime because his sleeveless Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles t-shirt violated the dress code.

Lewis Roberts and his family went to the Tavern at Phipps Plaza for lunch, but they never made it to their table.

The hostess told them Lewis’s t-shirt did not comply with their ‘gentlemen’s dress code’ and therefore he would have to leave.

The little boy had chosen his own outfit that day and was particularly proud of his green t-shirt, reports WXIA.

The family asked to speak to the manager of the restaurant, sure that the hostess must be mistaken, but the manager agreed with the hostess.

She explained that even though Lewis is only four years old, the dresscode applies to ‘gentlemen of all ages’ and they were again asked to leave the premises.

‘If we would have thought for a minute that he was inappropriately dressed, we would have gone to a different restaurant to save the embarrassment,’ Lewis’s aunt Keri Smith told WXIA.

The dress code.