400 Gud Boyz Chimpout in Hyde Park

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
November 3, 2017

Sheeit nigga dey dindu nuffin’, why da popo need to chase dem?

Hyde Park is a well off area and generally White.

Unsurprisingly, deez gud boyz who dindu nuffin’ don’t seem to like that too much.

DNA Info:

Nearly 400 teens came out Tuesday night in a much toned-down repeat of last year’s “Halloween Purge,” where more than 1,000 kids from across the city came to hang out, some of whom got into fights and tore up parts of the neighborhood.

Wentworth District Cmdr. Crystal King-Smith said the worst issue this year was kids shooting at each other with BB guns.

At least three boys were arrested, and King-Smith said they will likely face aggravated battery charges after several teens were shot with BBs, including a 13-year-old boy who was shot in his face.

Two more boys likely face more serious charges after a University of Chicago police officer was punched in his face while trying to break up a fight at 9:40 p.m. Tuesday night at 53rd Street and Lake Park Avenue.

Emanuel took in some of the mayhem when he unexpectedly showed up around 7 p.m. to eat dinner at A10, 1462 E. 53rd St.

“They were making faces at him and crowding around the window,” Julie Less said.

Shortly after the mayor left, Obama’s motorcade drove down Lake Park Avenue at 8:15 p.m. on its way to an event for his foundation at the Museum of Science and Industry.

His appearance added energy to the restless crowd, which set a fire in a dumpster behind the BP gas station at 5130 S. Lake Park Ave.

She said it was still a challenge to control the crowds, and teens were making 911 calls elsewhere in Hyde Park to draw police away from where the teens wanted to go.

A party on the Midway Plaisance organized by 4th Ward Ald. Sophia King and 5th Ward Ald. Leslie Hairston meant to draw teens away from 53rd Street apparently flopped, failing to attract more than a handful of teens the entire night.

Volunteers said teens refused to get on the buses and shuttles meant to ferry kids to the party on the Midway.

Police reported recovering as many as eight BB guns, and many officers said they were on edge the whole night because many of the BB guns looked like real guns, and several teens were brazen enough to shoot at each other in front of police.