4,000 “Refugees” in One Day: Live From Hungary, It’s Saturday Night!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 13, 2015

This fence could not keep out an autistic goat, Orban!
This fence could not keep out an autistic goat, Orban!




Okay, so they can’t use live ammo. I understand that though that would make the most sense, they can’t do that. However, why can’t they use rubber bullets? Why can’t they up the tear gas usage?

Is Viktor Orban a tough-talking cuckold?


More than 4,000 people walked across the border with Serbia just as the authorities in Hungary were completing preparations to seal the frontier.

Europe is struggling to cope with an enormous influx of people, mostly from Syria, fleeing violence and poverty.

Hungary has been criticised for how it deals with those crossing its border.

Criticized by who????

The Guardian????

Angela Merkel????

Or do they mean Daily Stormer publisher Andrew Anglin???

Because I am criticizing them for not using live ammo, landmines and drones!

You cuckold Orban! You can arm these drones with harmless tear gas bombs if you're sooooo worried about the innocent widdle victims of the big bad war in Serbia.
You cuckold Orban! You can arm these drones with harmless tear gas bombs if you’re sooooo worried about the innocent widdle victims of the big bad war in Serbia.

Is Orban secretly sleeping with Merkel?

Officials estimate that 175,000 migrants have crossed from Serbia into Hungary so far this year.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has promised to seal the country’s borders and arrest any illegal migrants. The country is close to finishing a 4m-high (13ft) fence along the border with Serbia.

“The border fence is coming!”

Well so’s Christmas, cuck! Plant the landmines! You can fill them with harmless tear gas!

More than 4,000 Hungarian soldiers have been brought in to help police enforce a ban which Mr Orban has ordered must come into effect on Tuesday.

So 4,000 “migrants” overpowered 4000 soldiers? Could they not simply tackle these people?

How fat are these Hungarian soldiers?

They should send Petra back in to kick out the jams!


In fact, Petra should become the leader of Hungary, and possibly the entire world.

Quit cucking and start kicking, you faggots!

The BBC’s Nick Thorpe – reporting from Szeged near the Hungarian-Serbian border – says the humanitarian infrastructure to deal with the migrants is finally being established at the Roske migrant camp.

On Friday, footage emerged of migrants being thrown bags of food at the camp amid criticism that they were being treated like animals.

Treating animals like animals – oh the humanity! Pun intended, you spineless pussies!


It’s time to kick em out!

If you wanna feed my rocket
Till the morning comes
Let me be who I am

And let me kick out the jams
Yes kick out the jams
I done kick ’em out

But no, of course not – kicking out these jams is as bad as gassing the kikes.

On Saturday, Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann drew parallels between Hungary’s treatment of refugees and Nazi Germany’s treatment of Jews.

In response, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said Mr Faymann’s comments were “slanderous”.

In response, Daily Stormer publisher Andrew Anglin said Mr Faymann’s comments were “the ultimate lols,” and once again noted that there were two appropriate places for “refugees”:

a.) Wherever they came from, and

b.) Auschwitz

It's a pajama party, Inshallah!
It’s a pajama party, Inshallah!