Daily Stormer
April 23, 2014

At last, there are more Latinos at the University of California than Whites.
According to preliminary admissions data, 17,589 Latino students have been accepted as freshmen at one of the UC’s nine undergraduate campuses, or 29 percent of all in-state applicants who got in. That compares to 16,378 white students who were admitted.
It’s the first time this has happened statewide at the University of California. At UC Irvine, Hispanic/Latino applicants have outpaced white students for the past three years.
“Those numbers describe the change in demography of the state of California and, of course, Orange County,” said Douglas Haynes, UCI associate vice provost for equity and diversity.
Nearly 40 percent of California’s population is Latino. While more are enrolling in colleges and universities, they still lag behind white students when it comes to graduating.
At UC Irvine in 2009-2010, just over 60 percent of Hispanic/Latino students graduated in four years, compared with more than 70 percent of whites. University officials say there are a number of reasons for this.
They are, of course, only there because of their race, rather than their ability, and will go on to fill jobs for the same reason, and this will continue to drag down the entire society to Mexican-like levels of chaos.
But at least we have proven we don’t hate people “because of the color of their skin.”