48 Normie Memes That will Make You Thank Kek You’re Alt-Right

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 19, 2017

Below are 48 normie memes – or as I like to call them “normiemes” – from a highly ranked collection of 48 normie memes on normie meme site imgur.

I chuckled at a couple. Particularly the one with the waterslide. And animal memes are always good. Elsewise, however, this is an extremely underwhelming collection. Just references to the worst pop culture and sex, none of which are funny (except sort of the xanex one).

No wonder so many people are becoming Neo-Nazi White Supremacists these days.

I always thought that that dumb bitch who wrote a book about 4chan and the Alt-Right called “Kill All Normies: Online Culture Wars From 4Chan And Tumblr To Trump And The Alt-Right” must have been a really stupid bitch to name the book that, because no one really wants to or says “kill all normies.” A better title for the book, I always thought, would have been “Kill All Jews: Online Culture Wars From 4Chan And Tumblr To Trump And The Alt-Right.”

But then I’m looking at these normiemes and I’m like “maybe that stupid bitch is onto something here.”

btw, I was going to read that book but the bitch – who is named “Angela Nagle” – never sent me a review copy. Nor am I aware of her having asked to interview me. That other guy who’s writing a book about the Alt-Right did email me but I never emailed him back – even still he will probably send me a review copy of his book.

Angela Nagle has a cheese-grater face, which is prolly why she feels the need to get all up in people’s bidness like she knows somethin.

It’s obvious from what I read about the book that she just ripped off by own explanations of the Alt-Right and acted like she came up with it herself without ever understanding the subject matter, hence the misnaming of the book.

Hopefully this other guy writing the book calls it “Kill All Jews: Online Culture Wars From 4Chan And Tumblr To Trump And The Alt-Right.”

Almost forgot – here’s the normiemes that may make you want to do her book title.