5 Facts on an Ax Wielding Non-White Maniac Who Tried to Kill 4 Police Officers

October 26, 2014


Zale Thompson has been named as the ax-wielding maniac who tried to kill four NYPD officers in Queens on October 23. You can watch the insane video of the attack above. Thompson managed to injure two of the cops before being shot dead by the other two.

Here’s what we know so far:

1. Thompson Wielded an 18-Inch Ax & Never Said a Word


The bloody hatchet used in Thompson’s attack on police officers. (NYPD)

Thompson was shot dead on Jamaica Avenue near 162nd Street in Queens after he attacked a group of cops with an 18-inch ax as the officers posed for a photo. DNA Info reports a freelance photographer had approached the foot-patrol officers and asked to take their picture.

Thompson attacked them without saying a word, according to witnesses. Officer Kenneth Healey, 25, suffered a severe wound to the head, and Officer Joseph Meeker, 24, was injured in the arm. Both are rookies in the NYPD.

2. He Was Discharged From the Navy & Was a ‘Proponent of Black Power’



CNN reports that Thompson was discharged from the Navy and that he had a criminal record in California. His Navy discharge was related to misconduct.

According to his Facebook page, Thompson is a native of Queens who graduated in 2011 from the Teachers College at Columbia University. His page also says he attended the The College of New Rochelle and High School of Graphic Communications Arts. His last-known address was in East New York, Brooklyn, but the New York Post reports that he had moved to Jamaica, Queens, this year. Neighbors called him “weird” and said he constantly fought with his girlfriend and mother while he lived in Brooklyn.

He is 32 years old. On his LinkedIn page, Thompson lists his skills as Microsoft Office, public speaking and research. A source told the New York Post that Thompson was “very educated” and was a proponent of “black power.”

On his Facebook page, he also went by the name Zaim Farouq Abdul-malik.

3. Zale Wrote About Jihad & Guerilla Warfare & Wanted to ‘Rise Up’ Against the Government

In the comments section under this video, Zale Thompson wrote:

If you’re looking for “perfect” muslims who never make any mistakes in
their Jihad, then you will be looking in vain! If the Zionists and the
Crusaders had never invaded and colonized the Islamic lands after WW1, then
there would be no need for Jihad! Which is better, to sit around and do
nothing, or to Jihad fisabeelallah!

In the comments section under a YouTube posting of the song “No White God” by Sizzla,Thompson writes:

It’s ok for white people to draw pictures of a white jesus, and then colonize Africa, and enslave the negro in America, wipe out the native American, and invade the middle east. They call black people racist for rejecting the oppression they suffered from whites. Listen, when black people have colonized the entire continent of Europe, enslaved its people, and sold them into bondage to foreign lands, then you can call them racist.


Zale Thompson’s friend, Frank Francois. (Facebook)

One of Thompson’s friends, Frank Sha Francois, told The Daily News:

He never expressed, to me, that I could recall, that he would do anything violent. Yes he said there were things that needed to be done, non-violent, collective action. We spoke against all aspects of any type of terrorism — foreign terrorism, domestic terrorism, terrorism committed by groups and by governments; any act of violence where innocent lives were spilled. We spoke against that.

However, in one Facebook post, Thompson wrote:

Helicopters, big military will be useless on their own soil. They will not be able to defeat our people if we use guerrilla warfare. Attack their weak flanks.

ABC New York reports that Thompson has “a long history of filled with what sources describe as hate speech aimed at what he apparently saw as the white government power structure in America, suggesting it was time to rise up in opposition.”

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