5-Times Deported Wetback Arrested for Serial Rape Rampage

Daily Stormer
September 12, 2016


We need.

To build.

A wall.

And we need.

To do it.



A five-time, Mexican deportee now stands accused of serial rape and assault in Austin, Texas.

In at least one case, the accused rapist allegedly poured gasoline on a woman and attempted to set her on fire.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials confirmed with Fox 7 News in Austin that Nicondemo Coria-Gonzales was deported five times before returning to commit a series of rapes in the Austin area. The most recent deportation occurred in August 2016.

The previously deported criminal alien has reportedly admitted to picking up prostitutes and beating them out of anger. ICE officials have placed yet another immigration detainer on the suspect.

“There’s bad, really bad people, who want to do us real harm who are coming at us from all different directions north, south, east and west,” Immigration specialist Thomas Esparza, Jr. told FOX 7.

It appears that Coria-Gonzales illegally entered the U.S. six times, committing crimes along the way that earned him deportations.

“Five times deported and he’s still here? What did he do the first time to get himself deported? And why didn’t he learn after the second or the third or the fourth time? But already five times?! And he’s still back?! He’s a determined son of a gun, but at some point the dance is over and so, unfortunately, the dance is going to be over for him and he’s going to be in jail,” Esparza told FOX 7.

Breitbart Texas learned that a request had previously been made to the U.S. Attorney’s Office to prosecute the man for felony illegal re-entry earlier this year but that request was turned down and he was deported again. He then returned to begin the alleged rapes. A request has been emailed to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in San Antonio requesting confirmation of this information and any related information on the suspect’s criminal and immigration history.

ICE officials told Fox 7 that Coria-Gonzales had been previously convicted of three driving while intoxicated offenses and possibly other criminal charges. His deportations began in September 2012, ICE officials told KXAN.