Daily Stormer
May 3, 2014
Every state has at least some residents who are looking for greener pastures, but nowhere is the desire to move more prevalent than in Illinois and Connecticut. In both of these states, about half of residents say that if given the chance to move to a different state, they would like to do so. Maryland is a close third, at 47%. By contrast, in Montana, Hawaii, and Maine, just 23% say they would like to relocate. Nearly as few — 24% — feel this way in Oregon, New Hampshire, and Texas.
In other words, 50% of the residents of the residents of Illinois are evil racists.
Here’s the chart for the states where people have the least desire to leave:
You may draw conclusions at will, you sickening racist scumbag.
But just know this: even though it makes you hate your life and want to flee the place you were raised, diversity is our greatest strength.

In the future, asking people whether or not they want to leave their state must be made some type of federal crime.
It is pure racism.