Daily Stormer
February 9, 2014

A traitorous rat, Spain’s Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon, has announced that Spain owes a great debt to the Sephardic Jewish community, and is thus going to put any Sephardic Jew who wants citizenship in Spain on the fast-track to get it.
The Sephardi were expelled from Spain in 1492 for their rampant, diabolical criminality, and attempts to undermine all of Christian society. What a great idea it is to bring them all back, now that we are in the enlightened age, where we know that it is actually a good thing to be subverted and destroyed by Jews.

From Ynet:
“The law we’ve passed today has a deep historic meaning: not only because it concerns events in our past of which we should not be proud, like the decree to expel the Jews in 1492, but because it reflects the reality of Spain as an open and plural society,” said Gallardon.
Around 300,000 Jews lived in Spain before the ‘Reyes Catolicos’, Catholic monarchs Isabella and Ferdinand, ordered Jews and Muslims to convert to the Catholic faith or leave the country.
[…]The law potentially allows an estimated 3.5 million residents of countries where many Sephardic Jews eventually settled, such as Israel, France, the United States, Turkey, Mexico, Argentina and Chile, to apply for Spanish nationality.
“We’re very pleased to hear the Spanish government has facilitated the process of allowing Sephardic Jews to seek Spanish nationality without giving up their citizenship,” Lynne Winters, director of the American Sephardi Federation in New York told Reuters by telephone.
How romantic!
Such joy the Spanish people must feel, knowing that their ancient blood enemy, who too centuries to expel, is now being invited back into their nation.