55 “Moderate” Muslim Charities Caught Funding Terrorism

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
November 20, 2014

Alan Henning, killed by his non-White friends when he went over to help their ‘charity’ in Syria.

Remember all those moderate Muslims we keep hearing about? The ones that aren’t actually out in Iraq calling for Jihad and chopping people’s heads off?  The ones who don’t mutilate little girls vaginas? The ones who don’t teach children to strap bombs to their chests?  The ones who just want to hang out and be chill?

Well well well – these chilled out cats are in fact claiming to be collecting money for the refugees in Syria and then using it to buy weapons instead.

A freedom of information request published in the Daily Mail has revealed that over 50 Muslim charities are being investigated for this scam.

Instead of banning Muslims from sending money earned in Britain abroad, David "Islam is a religion of peace" Cameron has invested £8million into the charities commission.
Instead of banning Muslims from sending money earned in Britain abroad, David “Islam is a religion of peace” Cameron has invested £8million into the charities commission.

It is no wonder the White hostage Alan Henning was kidnapped and killed by Jihadis when he went out there with al-Fatiha Global – they happen to be one of the charities being watched.

Of course, the commission in charge of covertly observing them all has had to make the usual ridiculous disclaimer that they are not profiling Muslims, just dodgy criminal charities, but how many Christian charities are there that are funding terrorists?  For that matter, how many secular charities are doing that? For that matter, who would have even thought of using charities as a front for funding a terrorist rebellion?

Just how much money earned in Britain, is being diverted out of the country to those who wish to destroy us?