58 Feared Dead in London Trashtown Fire – Theresa Says It’s Her Fault

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 17, 2017

Somebody must have told this bitch like yo – I know you’re a woman and you don’t understand the concept of personal responsibility, but sometimes you have to pretend like you do.

So she’s like “oh, a fire – I’ll just say this is my fault so people think I have a soul.”

This definitely would have been a better one to blame on Putin, Iran or Jeremy Corbyn.


At least 58 people are feared to have died in the fire that engulfed a London tower block this week, police said on Saturday, as Prime Minister Theresa May admitted that the response from the authorities had not been good enough.

With anger mounting over the government’s handling of the blaze, May met residents from the Grenfell Tower and vowed to personally oversee the recovery as protesters gathered to demonstrate in the streets around her residence for a second day.

Weakened by a botched election gamble last week, May has been criticized for her muted response to the fire and had to be rushed away from a meeting with residents on Friday under heavy police guard as protesters shouted “Shame on you”.

“The response of the emergency services, National Health Service, and the community has been heroic,” May said in a statement.

“But, frankly, the support on the ground for families who needed help or basic information in the initial hours after this appalling disaster was not good enough.”

Oh so she is just basically blaming the peasants. She’s just saying that she’s sorry her peasants are so worthless.

Okay, that makes more sense.

London Police Commander Stuart Cundy said the toll of 58 represented those who were missing and presumed dead from a fire which ripped through the 24-story social housing block as residents slept in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

“Sadly at this time, there are 58 people who we have been told were in Grenfell Tower on the night that are missing and therefore sadly I have to assume that they are dead,” he said.

If the number is confirmed, it would make the Grenfell Tower blaze the deadliest in London since World War Two. The toll had previously been put at 30.

While the blaze has prompted an outpouring of generosity, with many people donating provisions and clothes, it has also unleashed rage at the authorities as the charred tower was cast as a deadly symbol of a deeply divided society.

On Friday angry protesters chanting “We want justice” stormed their way into the Kensington and Chelsea town hall to try to confront the leaders of the local council.

Residents of the destroyed tower said May was far too slow to visit the stricken community, that the building had been unsafe and that officials have failed to give enough information and support to those who have lost relatives and their homes.


The reason we haven’t seen anything like this since WWII is that our advanced critical infrastructure has been maintained by whites. Because of affirmative action programs, we now hire low IQ brown people to do these jobs, because it’s the law, and they simply are not competent enough to do them properly.

Now witness the fabric of society begin to unravel.

This part is going to be worse than the bombings and stabbings.