6000 More Inbred Savage Brutes Picked up at Sea and Unleashed Onto Europe by the EU

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
May 5, 2015


Another 6,000 Black locusts were deployed in Europe over the weekend by the treacherous Italian coastguard.

The whole narrative surrounding this aiding and abetting of the enemy must make even the most civic of nationalists angry.

Today they have been blaming the nice weather for the invasion, as if flat seas and curiosity were the only reason why these worthless parasites would want to come to Europe.

It has nothing to do with the free ferries being paid for to go and collect them from just off the coast of Libya of course.

When the media interview them they immediately start demanding to be housed, fed and medicated, as if it were entirely our responsibility to take care of them and we were somehow to blame for their complete inadequacy to do anything for themselves.

It is absolutely sickening to see and must be driving millions of White people towards nationalism as they realise how the public opinion being portrayed is the complete opposite of how people in Europe are feeling.

They have not increased in number because we now go and pick them up and ferry them to Italy, but because the weather has got better.


More than 5,800 migrants have been rescued and 10 bodies recovered off the Libyan coast over the weekend, the Italian coastguard says.

The survivors were picked up from wooden and rubber boats, in 17 separate operations by Italian and French ships.

An Italian ship landed nearly 900 people in Sicily early on Monday.

At least 1,750 people have died this year trying to cross the Mediterranean, a 20-fold increase on the same period in 2014 when 96 people died.

The final number of people rescued over the weekend is expected to rise. The busiest two days for rescues so far this year were April 12 and 13, when 6,500 people were picked up.

Many more migrants are expected to make the crossing in the coming weeks as smugglers take advantage of calmer weather.

In a separate incident on Sunday, three people died when a boat carrying migrants to Europe sank off Egypt’s coast, according to Egyptian state media. Thirty-one migrants were reportedly rescued.

At an emergency meeting last month to discuss the crisis, European Union leaders said they would triple the funding for rescue operations run by EU border agency Frontex, and threatened to target smugglers’ boats with military strikes.

In order to prevent them from coming, the EU is going to spend 3 times as much money on boats to ‘rescue’ them.