Stuff Black People Don’t Like
September 12, 2015
Poll Taxes.
Sundown Laws.
Jim Crow.
Restrictive Covenants.
When you consider what life was like in Baltimore when all of these ideas flourished, you’ll know civilization prospered and the city economic prospects boomed; when you consider what life has been like in Baltimore when all of these ideas were overturned – unleashing the black-rule after the very legal protections in place to protect white civilization were outlawed – you’ll know a civilization blighted, with once thriving city now decaying.

It’s fitting to remember that when police pulled back after the Baltimore Uprising in late April/early May 2015, the fabled “Hamsterdam” episode of David Simon’s The Wire didn’t manifest; the white man’s law no longer ruled Baltimore and the city reverted to the black mean.
So it’s okay to laugh when you read the almost entirely black-run (elected or appointed) city of Baltimore has agreed to pay the family of the convicted heroin dealer $6.4 million.
Go ahead and laugh, remembering what poll taxes (literacy tests), sundown laws, Jim Crow, and restrictive covenants existed to perpetuate: white civilization.
Once those structures safeguarding white civilization were removed, the road to 2015 Baltimore was all but guaranteed: a 65 percent black city held hostage by black criminality elected black officials must tolerate if they hope to stay in power (recall: Baltimore still has excellent housing stock and outstanding amenities/infrastructure, meaning the slightest uptick in white gentrification will immediately bring a desire for better governance than the current black elected officials can provide).
Where “prayers” to stop the violence are a routine occurrence by elected officials, who beg black citizens to come forward and provide information on who is killing innocent children…
And so we are left with this, courtesy of an editorial from The Baltimore Sun. [Freddie Gray settlement: Did the mayor just take out a $6.4 million riot insurance policy?, Baltimore Sun, 9-10-15]:
Here’s the best case that can be made for Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake’s surprise announcement that her administration would propose a $6.4 million settlement of all potential civil claims in the death of Freddie Gray: It might have prevented a riot. Announcing it just two days before a judge is to hear arguments on whether the criminal trials of the six officers involved in Gray’s arrest should be moved out of the city gives it the potential to calm any tensions that were brewing. But it nonetheless also carries real risk for the city in terms of setting precedents for future cases, changing the course of the criminal trials and affecting public safety in the city more generally.
Poll Taxes.
Sundown Laws.
Jim Crow.
Restrictive Covenants.
Once, all these were ideas to ensure western civilization survived; once gone, western civilization disappears and Africa creeps into the same streets and buildings were it dared to flourish. [Baltimore Mayor Admits $6.4M Freddie Gray Payout Was to Prevent More Riots: Cites “potential liability that could come with an unfavorable jury verdict”, InfoWars, 9-10-15]:
Faced with the prospect of significant legal expenses involved in an extended federal lawsuit as well as the potential liability that could come with an unfavorable jury verdict, our city’s attorneys came to the conclusion that the $6.4 million is in the best interest of protecting taxpayers,” said Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.
The Baltimore Board of Estimates also acknowledged that the civil settlement had nothing whatsoever to do with the criminal case underway and that its purpose was to “bring an important measure of closure to the….city.”
Poll Taxes (literacy tests).
Sundown Laws.
Jim Crow.
Restrictive Covenants.
With these, Baltimore flourished; without these safeguards, Baltimore became the city existing in 2015, where Major League Baseball was forced to play the first ever empty stadium game because the safety of almost an entirely white fan-base couldn’t be guaranteed.