66% of Germans Sick of Hearing Merkel’s “We Can Do It” Catchphrase

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 20, 2016

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Mama Merkel’s catchphrase, “we can do it,” borrowed from American WWII propaganda posters (ironically – or not – used to promote a global war against Germany), the most iconic of which is currently used by feminists, is losing its appeal. 2/3rds of Germans are now against this catchphrase.

Daily Express:

Germany’s patience with migration is wearing thin in the wake of migrant sexual assaults and terror attacks, a devastating new poll has revealed.

In a nightmare scenario for German chancellor Angela Merkel, her oft-repeated phrase “we can do it”, in relation to absorbing hundreds of thousands of migrants, has been widely derided.

A YouGov tracker poll revealed how two out of three Germans don’t agree with the phrase, which now haunts Mrs Merkel, as the country creaks under the pressure of waves of newcomers.

Political opponents like the anti-immigration party Alternative for Germany (AfD), have also thrown the soundbite back in her face and garnered huge numbers of new supporters in the process.

A YouGov poll showed how 66 per cent of those polled did not agree with Merkel’s boast, up from 51 percent last September.

The growing resentment towards the German leader could threaten her grip on power, with elections set for autumn next year.

As her authority ebbed away Mrs Merkel was even criticised from within her own Christian Democrats party, with MEP Karl-Georg Wellmann saying: “Many of our voters understand it as if we could, indefinitely, continue to take in more people.

Chancellor Merkel might not even mean to say that, but this is how it’s being perceived — and that’s why people I meet in my constituency tell me that they are just sick of hearing that sentence.

Obviously, what Merkel needs is a new catchphrase.

She could try out some other anti-German WWII slogans to use as her pro-infinity immigration catchphrase.

For instance, there were a lot of great slogans about keeping your mouth shut that really fit into Merkel’s program – run by Jewish former-Stasi agent Anette Kahane – of arresting anyone who complains about immigration on the internet.

post-105-1361369810_thumb 3985830898_15519093f6_b fish_sucker_propaganda_poster

Some of the rationing slogans might also fit in with her theme that Germans are going to have to do with less in order to pay for all of these immigrants. Replacing “we can do it” with “eat less bread” could really get her poll numbers back up.

Is-2Byour-2Btrip-2Bnecessary ration-posterWW1 rationing food poster "Yes - if you eat less bread"

But there is no rule saying she has to stick to anti-German war propaganda. There is also the option of borrowing catchphrases from popular sitcoms.

The Honeymooners catchphrase “Bang, zoom…straight to the moon!” was obviously Jackie Gleason threatening to beat his wife, but this could be re-purposed to reference the technological developments that will come once we get these Moslems to work in the high-tech fields. The phrase could also be used in a sense closer to its original meaning to threaten sexual harassment and rape victims.


As many believe that Merkel is purposefully destroying Germany out of a hatred for the German race, she could also consider Kojak’s “Who loves ya, baby?” If she said this regularly on TV, maybe she could sway people away from the idea she’s trying to exterminate them.


We could also come at things from a different angle. One of the reasons people don’t want all of these millions of Moslems overrunning their country is that they are murdering people randomly on the streets. People tend to get very serious about these things, and Merkel could potentially lighten-up the mood by responding to anyone talking about terrorism with JJ Evans of Good Times’ “DY-NO-MITE!”

For instance, when an interviewer says “Madam Merkel, after the recent terrorist attack in -” she could interrupt them with “DY-NO-MITE!” This would demonstrate to the people that she’s not taking the attacks very seriously, so others shouldn’t either.

Lastly, Hannibal of the A-Team had the catchphrase “I love it when a plan comes together.” This could be used to remind the German people that them becoming a minority in their own country is “all part of the plan,” and thus reinforce their sense of desperation and hopelessness.

Can you think of any other catchphrases which might work for Mama Merkel?

Let us know in the comments section!