67% of Italians Want Migrants Stopped While Politicians Scheme to Let Them In

Diversity Macht Frei
July 10, 2017

The Last Italian Family

The majority of Italians want the arrival of migrants to be completely blocked. This is revealed today by a poll conducted by Swg for il Messaggero, according to which 67% are in favour of blocking the boats completely (45%) and immediate repatriation (22%).

One year before only 43% of Italians considered it necessary to welcome and sort the migrants; today that has fallen to 33%.

Surprisingly a majority favours a stop among all political alignments, with a peak of 96% among the Lega supporters [anti-immigration party] and a minimum of 52% among PD [the reigning Socialist party] supporters. The figure jumps to 79% among the Berlusconians, 70% among Grillo supporters [leftist populist] and 62% among the undecided.

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But while Italy’s people are now firmly against immigration, its politicians are scheming to make it easier for foreigners to acquire citizenship with a Ius Soli law that will grant Italian citizenship automatically to anyone born in Italy. The majority of Italians oppose the proposed law but the rulers don’t care.


51.4% of Italians think the law is an effort to bring about ethnic substitution.