7-Year-Old Girl Raped by Scar-Faced Black

Daily Stormer
August 8, 2015

The “Park of the victims of fascism” in Chemnitz, where the 7-year-old was abused.

Mopo 24:

It happened in broad daylight, in the “Park der Opfer des Faschmismus” (Park for the Victims of Fascism) next to the Church of St. John’s. Around half past six in the afternoon the perpetrator lured the girl into the bushes near the playground.

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Description of the perp:

Auffällig war laut Polizei eine Narbe an der linken Wange. Er hatte ein weißes Handy dabei und soll vom Typ her laut der Zeugenangabe Nordafrikaner gewesen sein.

According to police he had a conspicuous scar on his left cheek. He was in the possession of a white mobile phone and was, according to witnesses, of North African type.

The colour of his mobile is literally more important to these people than his race.