Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 12, 2015

There is now a sense of inevitability.
For or against, all must acknowledge that this train has no braking mechanism whatsoever.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 70% of Likely Republican Voters now believe Trump is likely to be their party’s nominee, with 31% who say it’s Very Likely. This overall figure is up from 68% last week but still falls short of the survey’s all-time high of 74% in late October. Interestingly, however, the number who say a Trump nomination is Very Likely has moved very little.
Only 27% of GOP voters think Trump is unlikely to win the nomination, with 10% who say it’s Not At All Likely.
Trump’s Vegas odds are still slightly lower than this, but they’re going up.
The fact that even Republicans who will openly say they don’t support Trump also view him as inevitable says a lot. it means they will be willing to go along with it, even if they are hesitant now.
When it came out that 65% support the Moslem ban, it looked like a done deal.
Right now the question is not so much whether or not Trump can get the majority support – he’s already effectively done that. It is a question of whether or not he can stand-up to the dirty tricks of the GOP establishment, who are already planning a scam convention to thwart him.
Whatever happens, we have already won so much.