Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 14, 2014

A new author has come out to introduce new lies into the fake narrative of World War 2 and defame the German people.
Above is my recording of a video of Eugene Schulz, which I made because I am sick of these autoplay embeds. And I know you are too. You can watch the original here, and read about all of his horrible lies defaming an entire nation as lampshaders.
Question: Why do autoplay videos still exist? Has there ever been a person, ever, in the history of the internet, who liked that feature? There has to be some reason they are still doing this, but I’ve no idea what it is.
Schulz says that seventy years after the end of the war, he all of the sudden decided to write a book about his experiences with lampshades and soap because his grandson liked his stories.
Sounds more like some Jew called him up and was like “listen, Schulzy ol boy, you’re one of the last guys alive who can still hold a pen and speak in sentences who was alive during the lampshading – you wanna make a quick buck?”