75% of Murdered Cops are Killed by Blacks

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 1, 2016

doctor doom by andrew anglin

Blacks are 12% of the population, and yet responsible for 75% of police murders.

The reason?


Daily Kenn:

75 percent of suspects who fatally shoot police officers in the United States are black.

That’s the conclusion of Salil Mehta of Statitiscal Ideas blog.

According to Mehta:

• 90% of black homicide victims were killed by blacks. That’s eight times the rate of white-on-white homicides.

• For every ten blacks killed by police, one police officer is killed by a black.

• Unjustified killing of police has increase 70 percent year-to-date (July, 2016) compared to previous years-to-date.

• Year to date (July, 2016), 75 percent of police officers murdered in the line of duty were killed by blacks.

The other 25% are presumably mostly killed by Mexicans. But they do that because of… the Mexican-American war and the Alamo.