Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 27, 2014

Good news, everyone!
And according to some recent number-crunching by Robert Jones of the Public Religion Research Institute, there’s a good deal of truth to that statement.
Let’s consider the average American white American and the average American black American, and let’s say, for simplicity’s sake, that each of them have 100 friends. If you were to break down their respective friend networks by race, they would look something like this.
In a 100-friend scenario, the average white person has 91 white friends; one each of black, Latino, Asian, mixed race, and other races; and three friends of unknown race. The average black person, on the other hand, has 83 black friends, eight white friends, two Latino friends, zero Asian friends, three mixed race friends, one other race friend, and four friends of unknown race.
What possible reason could a White person have to be friends with a non-White? Disregarding any fantastical racist sentiments which obviously don’t exist in reality, what do these people have to offer?
I generally keep two types of friends:
a) Intelligent men who can engage in interesting conversation
b) Attractive women whom I am capable of relating to
I believe this is probably the standard position of most White men.
So what purpose could a non-White friend possibly serve? They are not intelligent (unless perhaps they are Asian, but then their conversation isn’t interesting – Asians are more technically smart in a way that does not interest me), and I am not interested in their womenfolk.
Another Point Here
The fact that most White people do not have any non-White friends is the basic reason why such a large portion of Whites continue to support the racial agendas of enemy races. They do not have any understanding at all of what these people actually are. If they did understand them, they would not be so quick to defend them.
Fact: We don’t see a lot of working class Whites, who have had their neighborhoods invaded by these monsters, going out and talking about White privilege and institutional racism.