Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
July 29, 2014

A poll conducted by has found that 77% of the American public want the illegal immigrant children sent home. Only 11% wanted them to stay.
“The approval rating of the president on immigration, like his approval ratings on many other issues, is negative. A majority disapproves, and only a third approve.”
“But the evaluation of the president is even worse among those who would deport the child migrants as soon as possible: only 16 percent in that group approve of how Barack Obama is handling immigration.” said the poll analysts.
White Genocide is well on its way in the USA. White children are currently the minority in 10 US states.
When Senator Ted Kennedy was speaking to the Senate about the Immigration Act of 1965, persuading them to open the borders of the United States he said nothing but lies:
“The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.”
Since that day, Americans have been fed a diet of lies upon lies. It’s time for the truth: White Genocide is ongoing to this day, and turning White people in America and other countries across the planet into the minority group.
Diversity is a code for White genocide.