Daily Stormer
November 12, 2015

Blacks: they are early bloomers!
Why would you kill a baby, you ask?
Well, either because you’re Jeb Bush, or because you’re Black!
When a 1-year-old girl wouldn’t stop crying while her mother was at a club, an 8-year-old boy became annoyed and “viciously attacked” the toddler, beating her to death, police in Birmingham, Alabama, said.
Little Kelci Lewis suffered severe head trauma and “major internal organ damage,” leading to her death, police said in a statement.
“We did have some information that the 8-year-old got extremely agitated because the 1-year-old refused to stop crying, and so I guess the 8-year-old took it upon himself and began to commit violent acts against the 1-year-old,” Lt. Sean Edwards of the Birmingham Police Department told reporters Tuesday.
Police say the girl’s mother, Katerra Lewis, 26, and her roommate, a mother of five, went out for a night on the town about 11 p.m. on October 10. Lewis left Kelci under the supervision of her roommate’s children, all far too young for the responsibility, police said.
Lewis and the roommate didn’t bother to check on the kids when they got home from clubbing about 2 a.m., according to police.
Kelci was unresponsive the next morning when Lewis found her in her crib, where the boy had placed her. Police didn’t receive a call until about 10:30 a.m., Edwards said. The Jefferson County coroner ruled the death a homicide.
Sad though. I mean. Dead babies always sad.
But seriously. These people. What do you do with them?
Who acts like this?