Daily Stormer
February 20, 2014

President Barack Obongo, commonly referred to as “El Monkey Man Numero Uno,” is pretty well universally hated by everyone in the world, his own supporters now included.
Having destroyed America and the rest of the world even worse than it already was destroyed, all put their face in their palm and mourn their own idiocy at having ever imagined that a trained chimpanzee could run the government of what used to be the most powerful country in the world.

From the Washington Examiner:
The poll asked those who voted for Obama’s reelection a simple question: “Do you regret voting for Barack Obama?”
Overall, 71 percent said yes, 26 percent no.
80 percent of whites said yes, 61 percent of blacks said no and 100 percent of Hispanics said yes.
84 percent of women said yes, and just 61 percent of men agreed.
55 percent of Democrats said yes, as did 71 percent of independents.
Still, given the choice of Obama versus Romney, Obama supporters said they would stick with their guy, 79 percent to 10 percent for Romney.
But his voters seem to have moved on and are ready for the next election, giving Obama very early lame duck status before the midterm elections.
[…]As for Romney, his favorable ratings have dropped, but he would edge Obama by about three million votes, probably because Americans are not wowed by Obama’s second term performance, not because they like Romney more.