83-Year-Old White Man Bruised, Battered, Bandaged and Stabbed After Run-In With Black Adolescents

April 4, 2014

83 year old Charles Clark showing his injuries from the attack.

Cuffed and heading to jail, 16-year-old Antonio Peterson didn’t have much to say as Pinellas Park Police officers escorted him to a waiting van.

During questioning, they say he admitted taking Charles Clark’s car keys, but denied stabbing the retiree.

“I’m sorry,” Peterson said as he was led to a waiting van.

Twenty four hours after the attack, the 83-year-old victim is bruised, battered, and bandaged.

“I have arthritis and it may have just disturbed it, ya know? Because it’s sore,” said Clark. “Now I can move this one pretty good but this is where the damage is.”

Police are also accusing Antonio Peterson’s 13-year-old brother, Xavier, and Jazmin Burney, 15, in the Tuesday attack.

They say one of them used a knife, cutting Clark’s arm three times.

Xavier Peterson (left), Antonio Peterson (center), Jazmine Burney (right)

Hours later, investigators say they returned and took his car. Police found it abandoned near the Peterson brothers’ St. Petersburg home.

Neighbors say the brothers have been running with the wrong crowd, and their dad is trying.

”His dad is suffering too. He’s a very hard worker. And try to keep them on the right path,” said Robert Postell.

In 2012, News Channel 8 covered Jazmine Burney’s report that a man tried to abduct her. The attack gave her a black eye and bruises, just like the victim of the knife attack.

Back then, Burney gave this advice: “never walk by themselves, and don’t ever give up just fight… Fight them off.”

As Peterson headed off to jail, News Channel 8 asked if he had a message for his father.

“Come get me,” replied Peterson.