84% of All Wanted Criminals in Copenhagen are Non-White

April 9, 2015

Denmark’s government is engaged in a war against its own people and is importing savages to act as mercenaries against them.

The government said last year that the risk of crime was decreasing. Justice Minister Mette Frederiksen hinted strongly that the Danes are now able to travel more safely at night.

If the risk of crime actually decreased, so this is mostly due to a decrease in the number of burglaries.

The number of sexual offenses, violent crimes and drug crimes have indeed increased nationwide. These serious forms of crime committed in the very high degree of foreigners who have immigrated to Denmark. New figures show that 84% of those being made ​​in Copenhagen magistrate requiring detention, originating abroad. Approximately 10 percent of them have Danish citizenship.

Pre-trial detention of an accused can generally only take place when there is reasonable suspicion that the accused has committed an offense with a maximum penalty of at least 1½ years. In other words: Those who are sought custody, accused of a serious crime.

The figures show the countries from where the criminals are coming.

Last year, it also emerged that crime is booming among young immigrants. In 2007, 1,028 descendants convicted of crime. In 2012 this had increased to 1,661. This is due in part to the total number of descendants has increased.

Furthermore, being 25% of asylum seekers term for the crime. The number of asylum seekers has quadrupled during Thorning-government.

The tough crime is thus increased. This is because there are more foreign criminals to Denmark. Therefore, the manipulation when the government strongly suggest that the Danes can move more confidently around in the evening.

Even Denmark's wanted posters are politically correct.
Even Denmark’s wanted posters are politically correct.