84-Year-Old White Man Sends Black Mugger Packing with Tail Between his Legs

March 28, 2015


Doug Jandebeur, an 84-year old veteran, sent an alleged mugger “packing” when the elderly man pulled out a firearm for self protection.

The assailant grabbed Jandebeur from behind outside the U.S. Army vet’s Tulsa, Oklahoma, business, as he was getting into his truck. At first, when he heard the words “Don’t turn around,” Jandebeur thought it was one of his prankster friends. Things got ugly very fast, however, when the suspect punched Jandebeur and stole his wallet, and advanced toward his wife in the store. At this point, the vet quickly exercised some self-help, which caused the assailant to headed for the hills immediately.

Jandebeur succinctly explained what happened.

I pulled out my automatic and was getting ready to ventilate him. Once he saw my gun, he decided to leave.”

The alleged thief is still at large after fleeing the area, although the incident — including the suspect’s face — was captured on surveillance video set up by another merchant in the strip mall, which should enable cops to make an arrest soon.

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