87-Year-Old Belgian Man Nearly Kicked to Death by a Moslem

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
February 16, 2018

Hendrik Keuleers being assaulted.

He deserved it for being an evil Nazi bigot.

Voice of Europe:

A man with a ‘migrant background’, attacked the 87-year-old Hendrik Keuleers and left him for dead last year. Since the elderly man started criticising Islam he is no longer safe in his own house.

Keuleers, who lives in the Belgian city of Ghent, is known for his window posters that criticise bull fights, Spain’s prime minister and Islam.

It wasn’t the first incident for the old man. Belgian media say his house has been terrorised for years after he started criticising Islam with self-made window posters.

His flower pots were destroyed, his windows were smashed, and last year it resulted in the latest attack, during which he was kicked off his bicycle.

Video footage of the incident shows how Keuleers was attacked by a man with a migrant background. He spat at the old man and kicked him off his bicycle. Keuleers was unconscious and left for dead.