89-Year-Old War Vet’s Awesome Homemade Trump Sign Stolen by Evil Anti-Americans

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 2, 2016


We have to rid this country of people who are against this country.

It simply does not make sense to allow them to stay.

But the ethnic cleansing should be enough. Any White liberals who remain will have so little power as to be irrelevant, and their ideology will quickly die when the Jews are no longer here to reinforce it.


This was in Detroit, so it pretty much had to have been Blacks.

Livingston Daily:

Livonia police are asking for assistance in finding a display taken from the yard of a resident who lives in the 15400 block of Doris. The display depicts Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s face atop the body of Captain America with a sign that says, “Veterans for Trump,” flanked by a pair of American flags.

Alvin Link is the resident who made the display and put it out in front of his home. He said it had been out in front of his home for about a month. It wasn’t until Thursday morning when his wife noticed it was missing.

“He was doing pretty well for himself out there,” said Link, an 89-year-old World War II Navy veteran. “All the neighbors have been very supportive. People have come by and taken pictures with him.”

He said he designed the display after finding an image of Captain America online and scaled him in size. He got some half-inch plywood and cut the design out, and then painted the entire display by hand. The display stands at about 6 feet tall with the sign.

He also included a small box containing papers that listed his reasons for supporting Trump, who is running against Democratic challenger Hillary Clinton this November.

That box proved to be pretty popular, with Link having to refill it several times.

Anyone with information regarding the stolen display is encouraged to contact Livonia police at 734-466-2470.

While Link is hoping his sign is returned, he’s also hoping the sign helps promote Trump to the highest office in the land.

“Trump is my Captain America,” he said. “We have to make sure we get him promoted to commander-in-chief.”

Amen, brother.

We’re all in this together against the enemies of our country and our people.

It sure would be nice if some of our people in the area could come together and replace this for Mr. Link. I’m just throwing that out there. Maybe we can get a social media campaign going.


I see in the video above he’s already got his back-up and is making a third!

Still, get this story out – he is an American hero!