89-Year-Old Woman Punched and Robbed in Her own Home by Non-White

Kafir Crusaders
June 3, 2014

Dunstable town railway station from a time when little old ladies were safe in their own homes.
Dunstable town railway station from a time when little old ladies were safe in their own homes.

This sickening attack on a frail 89 year old woman in her own home has Muslim attacker wrote all over it. The vermin attacker not only was described as ‘Asian’, the whole nature of this crime displays pretty typical Muslim behaviour. Cowardly picking an easy target and hitting a woman who also happens to be a pensioner is spineless. Entering her own house to rob her purse is just wrong on every level. As past incidents have shown.  Morales and compassion are two attributes Muslims appear to have little of.

This old lady probably is struggling to get by on a state pension after living through the war, having done her bit to help rebuild Britain and it is now in a worse position than the scroat who stole from her.

Its no wonder they need punishments like this to keep them in order.

From Heart FM:

An 89 year old woman has been punched and robbed by a man that forced his way into her Dunstable home.

It happened around 5:30 on Thursday evening (May 29th) on Gorham Way.

The man made an excuse to get inside her house and headed into the living room.

When asked to leave by the woman she was pushed onto the sofa and he punched her.

He then took cash from her handbag and ran off.

The man is described as Asian and around 6ft tall.

The attack took place at a house on Gorham Way, Dunstable.