9-Year-Old Boy Shoots Sister in the Head Over Vidya Controller

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 19, 2018

wew lads.

Fox News:

A 9-year-old boy fatally shot his 13-year-old sister in Mississippi on Saturday afternoon when she refused to hand over a video game controller, authorities said.

The victim, Dijonae White, was shot in the back of the head and the bullet entered her brain, Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told reporters, according to WLOV-TV.

White was a student at Tupelo Middle School, the station reported.

Cantrell, who said he had never seen a case like this one, confirmed late Sunday the girl died from her injuries after being rushed to Le Bonheur’s Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tenn.

Well, I guess this supports the “violent video games” argument.

But seriously though.

What’re you gonna do?

No matter what laws you make or which conversations you have, you’re always going to have specific individuals who will do strange acts. We have a lot more of these specific sorts of individuals now than we did at any other point in history, but the solution to these individuals and their acts is to stop talking about them.

Also wonder if the boy was on SSRIs.