Daily Stormer
August 19, 2014

Whatcha doin holosurvivor????
Stirring up a race war by inciting Black savages????
What for you doing that, holosurvivor?????
Hedy Epstein, a 90-year-old Holocaust survivor, was arrested on Monday during unrest over the death of Michael Brown, KMOV reports.
Epstein, who aided Allied forces in the Nuremberg trials, was placed under arrest in downtown St. Louis, Missouri “for failing to disperse” during a protest of Governor Jay Nixon’s decision to call in National Guard into Ferguson. Eight others were also arrested.
“I’ve been doing this since I was a teenager. I didn’t think I would have to do it when I was ninety,” Epstein told The Nation during her arrest. “We need to stand up today so that people won’t have to do this when they’re ninety.”
Epstein is currently an activist and a vocal supporter of the Free Gaza Movement.
Tensions rose in Ferguson on Monday night after Missouri Governor Jay Nixon announced that the National Guard had been called in to help run the command center while police handled the protests.
Several people were arrested as protests ramped up, including Scott Olson, a photographer working for Getty Images.
Behind every abominable thing, you will find a sneaking rat Jew. And never do they tire of their evil works. Until death, they work without pause for the destruction of the European people.
Obama has come out and condemned “police brutality.”
This whole situation is so ridiculously bizarre. Chimping chimps, Alex Jones trying to incite them, the media portraying the cops as evil for stopping rioters… all over the clearly justified death of a violent criminal.
Reality appears to have stopped existing completely.