91-Year-Old White War Vet Killed by Google

Daily Stormer
October 7, 2016


Youths these days.



An 18-year-old man killed a 91-year-old Second World War veteran by beating him, then dousing him with gasoline and setting him on fire.

George Steward has been sentenced to between 30 and 60 years in prison after pleading guilty to second-degree murder last month.

Steward, of Detroit, murdered his next door neighbour Paul Monchnik by beating him and setting him alight, the Detroit News reported.

The victim’s son, Scott Monchnik, described his father as a ‘good and gentle man’.

His life was brutally taken from us by a monster. The terrible sickening feeling I get thinking that my dad’s last hour on Earth was filled with horror and pain, worse than anything he went through in the war.

This man (Steward) has created a hole in all of us that is filled with anger and hatred, fear and loss. You have taken something that was not yours to take.