Former Swedish PM Says Immigrants Work Harder Than Swedes

Daily Stormer
January 4, 2015

Here you have the former PM of Sweden, Fredrik Reinfeldt, making the ridiculously outrageous and categorically false statement that invading Moslems work harder than native Swedes. Everyone knows the Moslems don’t tend to work in any country, and work even less in Sweden, where well over half are completely unemployed and 80-something percent are receiving government benefits – by official records, which are obviously fudged in their favor.

This video was recorded about a year ago at the Jewish-run World Economic Forum.

As insane as these statements are, I can’t get past how great the man’s English is.  Really, he speaks English better than most people who speak it as a first language. An insane statement is, for whatever reason, so much more tolerable when it is well presented.  That is the major problem with television – the devastating effect it had on politics to allow people to be emotionally swayed by the presentation of politicians.