9th Circuit Kike Judge Goes Down! Metooism is Unstoppable!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 18, 2017

Jews OUT! Back to Romania, you gropey KIKE! DO NOT WANT!

So now we’ve got a top kike judge going under.

Wtf I love feminism now.

Metooism is the best thing ever.

Washington Post:

Alex Kozinski, the powerful judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit who was facing a judicial investigation over allegations that he subjected 15 women to inappropriate sexual behavior, announced Monday that he would retire effective immediately.

In a statement provided by his lawyer, Kozinski apologized, saying that he “had a broad sense of humor and a candid way of speaking to both male and female law clerks alike” and that, “in doing so, I may not have been mindful enough of the special challenges and pressures that women face in the workplace.”

“It grieves me to learn that I caused any of my clerks to feel uncomfortable; this was never my intent,” he said. “For this I sincerely apologize.”

Kozinski, 67, said that although family and friends had urged him to stay on, “at least long enough to defend myself,” he “cannot be an effective judge and simultaneously fight this battle. Nor would such a battle be good for my beloved federal judiciary. And so I am making the decision to retire, effective immediately.”

The announcement comes just days after The Washington Post reported that nine more women had accused Kozinski of making sexual comments to them or of other conduct, including four who said he touched them inappropriately. That story followed an earlier report in The Post, which detailed the allegations of six women, including former clerks who said Kozinski showed them porn in his chambers.

After the first report, the chief judge of the 9th Circuit initiated a review of Kozinski’s conduct, and the case was assigned Friday to the 2nd Circuit Judicial Council. It was not immediately clear what would happen to that inquiry or what would happen to the legal matters to which Kozinski is assigned.

“One or more” of Kozinski’s clerks had resigned after the allegations against Kozinski became public, a court official has said.

Kozinski was appointed to the 9th Circuit by President Ronald Reagan in 1985 and over time became one of the most well-known federal appeals court judges in the country. He served as chief of the 9th Circuit from 2007 to 2014. He often wrote colorful opinions and, unlike many of his colleagues on the bench, did not shy from media appearances.

Yeah, he’s a YUGE Jew. People probably don’t recognize his name, but he was extremely powerful.

He’s the kike who defended the 9th Circuit decision to declare that because the Pledge of Allegiance says “under God” that you can’t say it in a public school.


Along with just the immediate effect of wiping these filthy scumbuckets out of the government, we’ve also got the secondary effect of the fact that they are all Jews and surely that pattern cannot go unnoticed indefinitely.

Keep hitting it, hitting it, hitting it in the comments section, on Twitter – everywhere. In real life too. This is a great, great talking point. Because the pattern stretches across all fields. Everywhere, it’s Jews.

This is seriously like a pogrom. And I’m not even joking when I say that they’re going to start shilling for some type of affirmative action in molestation reports. That is 100% not a joke. And it will happen. Jewish papers are already suggesting that Metooism is some kind of anti-Semitic conspiracy. Remember that the kikes literally said Roman Pulanski was allowed to rape and sodomize a 13-year-old because of the Holocaust, so they’re not going to have a problem putting forward some kind of “Jews are allowed to molest you” argument.

It actually makes white men look very good, this whole thing, as they just aren’t getting attacked for any of this pervert stuff.

Speaking of Jewish perverts in the government – Al Franken has yet to resign.

And the deranged kook Joe Manchin is out there saying he shouldn’t!


Sen. Joe Manchin said Monday fellow Sen. Al Franken should not resign in the wake of allegations of sexual misconduct.

Manchin, a West Virginia Democrat, told CNN’s “New Day” that Franken should have remained in the Senate and proceeded through an ethics review.

“I definitely think he should not resign. I think he should submit himself, which he has willingly done and offered to do and go through this complete process of an extensive ethics review,” Manchin said, adding that Franken should pledge to abide by whatever the committee recommends.

“And whatever the outcome is, I can live with that. I say, Al, I’m sorry, you have faults that you’ve never recognized and these ladies have brought this forward. And these ladies should be protected.”

Over the last two months, Franken has been accused of groping and forcibly kissing women in incidents as early as 2006.

Franken was obviously plotting something like this. Otherwise he would have just resigned.

Who says “I’ve decided to plan to resign sometime”?

I’ve never heard of that.

But you know what, it worked. People definitely stopped calling on him to resign after he said he was going to resign sometime. Even I forgot about it, to be honest. The only reason he would have made such a bizarre move is if he thought it would blow over.

This is why kikes invented the word “chutzpah.”