Daily Stormer
March 31, 2014

Here is your daily reminder of what you killed Adolf Hitler to save, America.
A 13-year-old girl’s Dear Abby letter:
DEAR ABBY: I’m 13, and my classmates are just beginning to “date.” Sometimes what this means is, “Hey, do you want to go to my house, get drunk and have sex?” There’s already a pregnant girl in our school. She’s 12.
I’m trying not to get involved in any of this, but I’m constantly being teased for not holding a guy’s hand, let alone not having had my first kiss. I have learned to deal with it, but my problem is there’s this one guy who has been flirting with me.
“Jon” is sweet and nice, but he’s part of the popular crowd. I’m afraid if he asks me out, he’ll end up trying to get me drunk. He’s different from the people he hangs out with, but I still don’t know if I can trust him.
I want to stay a virgin until I get married. I won’t drink until I’m 21, and I never intend to use drugs. But how do I say no if Jon asks me out and tries to have sex with me or gets me buzzed? I can’t hide my entire junior high-to-high school life and not accept a date. Can you help? — TOO YOUNG FOR TROUBLE, COLUMBIA, MO.
Aren’t you happy we now have this new, great freedom in our society? If we didn’t beat the Nazis, we never could have been so freedom and democracy.