Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 13, 2014

As society continues to disintegrate, the overall weirdness is becoming unbearable. Now, we have faggots with a kidnapped Negress child parading around in commercials for breakfast cereal. Cheerios has become the first (I think) food to feature faggots with a helpless kidnapped child.
The Jewish media, ever in the process of attempting to become more of a parody of itself, has come out in forced to celebrate how “cute” and “adorable” these sick and bizarre degeneracy is.
How does anyone tolerate this?
I would say “boycott Cheerios,” but I know you are all low-carb/Paleo already, brothers.
Bowls of useless carbs have always been for faggots and other untermench. We high-testosterone soldiers of the revolution eat pig for breakfast.