A Bunch of Haji Rapists and Terrorists Headed at You From Australia

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 3, 2017

If Trump would have won the election, we wouldn’t be dealing with this crap.

I don’t know why so many Americans voted for that Kushner guy instead.


The first group of 1,250 mostly male Middle Eastern refugees is expected to soon arrive in the United States from Australia. The transfer of refugees comes after President Trump failed to shutter an Obama-era deal that could bring tens of thousands of the refugees’ family members to the U.S. in years to come.

President Barack Obama signed the Australian-U.S. refugee deal during his last months in office — promising to take 1,250 Middle Eastern refugees off Australia’s hands.

The refugees are being held in detention centers on Manus Island and Nauru Island. Despite Trump’s original statement calling the deal “a dumb deal,” the president has now broken two long-promised campaign pledges: Throwing out deals that don’t benefit Americans and stopping the flow of foreign refugees.

According to NPR, roughly 50 foreign refugees are now on their way to the U.S. The other 1,200 are expected to follow soon after.

While the U.S. will have to resettle the 1,250 refugees across communities, Americans will see no benefits to the deal. In exchange for resettling the refugees, roughly 50-60 Central Americans who are currently residing in Costa Rica, will be resettled in Australia.

Refugee resettlement expert Ann Corcoran previously told Breitbart Texas that the move by Trump to follow through with the deal is one of the “worst” decisions he has made during the first six months of his presidency.

“On the surface, this is a purely insane thing,” Corcoran said at the time. “We have never done anything like this.”

“This is probably the worst deal I’ve seen within the last 10 years by the refugee resettlement program,” Corcoran continued.

The so-called refugees are actually illegal aliens in Australia who traveled to the country under the previous government which enforced a strict immigration policy that made sure the refugees would never be released from detention.

According to extensive research from migration expert Nayla Rush, 850 refugees on Manus Island are men, while more than half of the refugees on Nauru Island are men as well. Rush’s research concluded that the refugees are primarily from Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Iran.

These are what we call the “ultra-enrichment” states.

They hit your community like a bus. Because those ones from Iran are actually Pashtoon and other non-Persian tribes.

It’s real tough times to get enriched this hard. This is rape, terrorism, murder – the whole vibrant shebang.