A Critique of White Nationalism: Preface

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 25, 2019

This is what white nationalism should look like.

The Daily Stormer has existed since 2013, and I have been involved in these types of politics on the internet since 2011.

However, political movements advocating for the rights of white people in America have existed since the civil rights era, when black people, spurred on by Jews, began making outrageous demands. Before the civil rights era, there was no need for a political movement to advocate for the rights of whites, because the supremacy of the white race in America was taken for granted.

White rights movements also began in Britain around the same time, due to an influx of immigrants from Pakistan, India and other non-white countries. In France, this became an issue following the war, when North Africa was decolonized and the government began allowing large numbers of Arabs to move into France as some type of compensation (or something).

The present white nationalist movement, which is mostly made up of people under the age of 40, originated on the internet in places such as 4chan, was not so much a continuation of older white nationalist movements but rather a new movement that resulted from the access to information that the internet provided and an increasing hostility toward white people.

I personally had not ever been on older white nationalist websites like Stormfront when I began my first pro-white blog, nor had I had really any exposure to people like George Lincoln Rockwell, William Pierce or David Duke.

Because there were older white nationalist movements, it was natural for people to look at them for inspiration. Beyond that, you had people from the older white nationalist movements getting involved with younger people on the internet.

There is no problem with any of this. There was some inspiration to be found in older white nationalist movements, and many of the older people who we began interacting with are great guys.

That being said, there are a lot of things that I feel that the historical white nationalist movements got wrong. Some of it they got very wrong. And I think it is useful to go back through and look at these earlier movements, and see what exactly they got wrong so that we don’t make the same mistakes.

This is the introduction to a series of articles, wherein I will go through and look at the specific things that I do not agree with in older white nationalist movements and explain why I don’t agree with them and feel we should avoid including them in our own presentation of white nationalism.

In particular, I will discuss the issues that I take with:

  • Refusal to avoid anti-social people, embracing anti-social people
  • Costumes
  • Racial grievance marches
  • Promotion of religious cults and the general use of cult technique
  • Promotion of natalism as a political strategy
  • Fixation with an imminent collapse of society
  • Belief in the possibility of violently overthrowing the US government
  • Embracing feminism
  • Utter humorlessness
  • General refusal to offer anything to young men who would join the movement
  • General refusal to engage the larger culture
  • General refusal to promote popular ideas or use scientific marketing strategies

Much of this stems from the first topic, which appears to have been the core problem with all of these movements. All of the rest of the issues seem to flow from the inexplicable inclusion of and tendency to defer to anti-social people, which inevitably drove out normal people with normal person concerns about the direction of our society.

I have no intention of being hostile or attacking anyone who engaged in the struggle to protect white people from attacks by Jews and other groups, but I feel that we now have access to hindsight and it is the responsible thing to go back and look at the history and make judgements about it.