“A Day Without Immigrants”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 16, 2017

In the age of technology, no one really cares much about economic crap anymore.

Does an economic collapse mean your iPhone stops working? Does it mean your Playstation stops working? Does it mean you are going to starve, or not have heat?

No. An economic collapse in the west would not really mean very much to anyone.

So even if “no immigrants” meant the entire economy would collapse, those who are against immigrants – the majority – would still want them out.

But in real life, banning immigrants would be good for the economy, in that it would drive up wages rapidly. Which is the exact reason that globalist corporations have backed third-world immigration so aggressively.

This goofy little gimmick proves absolutely nothing, even if they succeed in shutting down a couple of restaurants and laundromats.

It’s just pathetic desperation.

USA Today:

Businesses in cities across the country prepared to close Thursday as immigrants boycott their jobs, classes and shopping.

Immigrants in Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Austin, Texas, and other major U.S. cities plan to stay home Thursday as part of a strike called “A Day Without Immigrants.”

Coming on the heels of roundups of undocumented immigrants nationwide, organizers urge legal residents as well as undocumented ones to participate in the boycott in response to President Trump’s crackdown on immigration, which includes plans to build a border wall and a temporary immigration ban on nationals from certain Muslim-majority nations.

“From doctors to dishwashers, immigrants are integral to daily life in the U.S.,” tweeted Janet Murguia, president and CEO of National Council of La Raza, as she praised Spanish-American Chef Jose Andrés’ decision to close his Washington, D.C., restaurants Thursday.

The celebrity chef said he decided to close after a few hundred of his employees told him they weren’t coming to work Thursday. They asked for his support and got it.

“We are all one,” he said. “We should not be fighting among each other, we should all be working together to keep moving the country forward.”

If they really wanted to show people a day without immigrants, they would stay the hell off the streets and roads and out of our Walmarts. If the people were able to go out and see only white people in this country, then a point would be proven.

This not going to work thing only proves that these people are taking our jobs. That unemployed/underemployed white people would have stable work if it wasn’t for them.