Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 16, 2015
I know I already posted a picture of this great meeting of two western nations, but here are some more.
Here is what The Independent had to say about this most important encounter.
Michelle Obama has a very special relationship with this country. It was here, on her first official visit abroad in 2009, that she grasped the enormous influence that goes with her role as First Lady. An emotional Mrs Obama was speaking to a room full of adolescent girls at Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School in Islington – a school named after the first Englishwoman to qualify as a doctor, where three quarters of pupils qualify for free school meals – and they were hanging on her every word. Citing the example of Anderson, she told them: “By getting a good education, you too can control your own destiny.”
Six years on, this very laudable idea has now evolved into an American initiative, Let Girls Learn, which Mrs Obama discussed with David Cameron at No 10 after another school visit in east London. There are 62 million girls in the world who are out of school: the US and Britain are now launching a partnership to help change that, starting in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The statistics show why this is such a good idea. As well as being morally right, educating girls leads to greater prosperity; it leads to lower levels of maternal mortality and Aids; and as Mrs Obama has argued, educated girls are one of the best weapons against violent extremism.
You are officially in the middle of a circus, White Man.
Put your face in your palm for a few minutes, then decide you’ve finally had enough.