A Good Documentary on the Gaza War (Jews are Evil Terrorist Perverts)

I know I’m supposed to publish something interesting and important on Sundays. This week, I was supposed to publish a research paper about BRICS and the upcoming meeting in Kazan. But that did not get finished. Nothing important ever seems to get finished these days. But I’ve had a tough year, you know?

Today I have a documentary that is well worthwhile. It’s an account of “war crimes” committed by the Jews in Gaza.

Personally, I don’t believe in the concept of “war crimes,” because all war is a brutal nightmare, and trying to put rules on it is actually ridiculous. However, this documentary is produced by Al-Jazeera and directed by British filmmaker Richard Sanders, who has worked in mainstream British media for decades, making documentaries for Channel 4 and the BBC.

The film is incredibly informative, and even though I’ve obviously followed this war relatively closely, there were several things that were new to me. Anyone who hasn’t been following closely is going to be completely shocked that Jews behave this way.

We already knew that Jews are psychopathic murderers. What I think will shock people most is the behavior of the soldiers, who do things like go through the underwear drawers of dead little girls and sniff panties – filming it, of course, and posting it on the internet for the entire nation of Judea to cheer on.

Fatmericans have tried to claim that these videos are staged, and the filmmaker, Sanders, went through and confirmed everything he showed in the film. The clear vision that you get is that the Jews are an entire race of total psychopathic lunatics on a rampage. Of course, that’s how I’ve always viewed the Jews, and I’m just happy that now the whole world is able to see the truth about these “people.”

This is what is important right now: showing the world what the Jews are. Very often, they will tell you what they are, but you have to let them show the people who they are, and that is what they are doing in the Middle East right now, and the entirety of international Jewry is standing in solidarity with the Israelis (save for a few notable exceptions). This shows that Jews are fundamentally incompatible with normal human civilization, at least when they have power (when they don’t have power, as was the case throughout history before the Industrial Revolution, they are a menace, but they were closer to a nuisance than an existential threat).

The other thing that is very important for people to understand – normal people, all over the world, not just highly political observers of the global situation – is that there is only one explanation as to why the United States backs Israel in the way they do, and that is because America is totally controlled by the Jews. America is nothing more or less than a state militarily occupied and controlled by the Jews. Because of the stranglehold the Jews have on American industry, on the economy, on academia, and ultimately on the government of the United States, the US Military, the intelligence agencies, all the way down to the police, are soldiers of Jews who will inflict the will of the Jews on Americans and on the world.

I watched an interview with the film’s director on the Glenn Greenwald show, and he called it “perplexing” that the US continues to support Israel. This is funny, as he might actually be perplexed by it. Even for some people deeply involved in analyzing the situation, a series of false preconceptions about the nature of the universe and the nature of man can prevent them from seeing the obvious, which is right in front of their faces. For some people, it is impossible to view the Jews as what the Christian religion says they are: a people eternally cursed for having murdered Jesus Christ, a people in communion with Satan, and therefore a plague on mankind.

Young people, however, are open to this. The fact that most of the people protesting against the wars of Israel are leftists is a point that Jewish shills on the internet attempt to exploit, but the fact is that this is totally irrelevant. It is relevant to absolutely nothing. The only thing that matters is that large groups of people are organizing and exposing the crimes of the Jews, demonizing the Jews as a group, laying the groundwork for a whole new perception of the Jews.

I’ve pointed out that young people change their political views. Many millennials who are now right-wing grew up as teenagers opposed to the Iraq war and therefore considered themselves “left.” (Of course, they probably also had right-wing parents, and therefore fell back on that.) Many of these people protesting Israel now, at least the white men, are going to develop more right-wing views. However, that phenomenon is a fraction of what is important here. What is the most important is that the topic of the Jews is being demystified.

If leftists are out there saying these things about the Jews, it opens up the entire public conversation for anyone to say things about the Jews. A separate matter that I’ve wanted to go into is the fact that Elon Musk on Twitter is now heavily promoting costumed neo-Nazi groups, which is what Jews always do in America when people start talking about the Jews – they spam every space where Jews are discussed with cartoonish and fat neo-Nazism. This is a way of completely silencing right-wing opposition to the Jews by burying them with ugly fatness. This will not work this time around, but it did the last time in 2017.

Of course, right-wingers tend to dislike Moslems, primarily because of the totally Jewish agenda to flood white countries with the worst people from Islamic countries. That is the biggest barrier in getting normal people to rally against Israel and international Jewry: the fact that people do not want to be associated with Moslems. However, I think this documentary is very good in showing the people of Gaza not as extremist Moslems, but just as a totally abused and victimized people. There is no way to watch the documentary and not feel sympathy towards the Palestinians and disdain for the Jews. From a right-wing perspective, at least the Moslems are normal people, with normal families, taking care of their women and children, while the Jews are rat-faced satanic serial killers, sniffing the panties of dead little girls. The soldiers themselves are grotesque androgynous men with the same feminine features associated with American Jews.

Another challenge is that right-wing people tend to be individualistic and therefore do not want to condemn an entire group as satanic. This was traditionally not a problem, given that Christianity, which was the cultural zeitgeist of all white people, was opposed to Judaism. Now, of course, Christianity is both much less influential and most Christian denominations have bowed to the Jews. In terms of “all Jews are a problem,” I think that is effectively true, as the overwhelming majority of Jews support Israel and the ones who don’t are probably obsessed with trannies and immigration. But of course, there are some Jews, usually non-religious and unaffiliated, who do not go along with this. Some of the “good Jews” have converted to Christianity, and that should be the argument for all Jews being a problem: their entire identity is based on a satanic cult that celebrates the killing of God.

The other big problem among all people remains a belief in the so-called “Holocaust of the Jews.” That is losing steam now, as the logic presented by the Jews, “people killed us nearly a century ago, so for the rest of eternity, we’re allowed to kill however we want, do whatever we want to anyone, and no one is allowed to question us,” is fundamentally repulsive to normal humans. However, the fact that the Jews have done so much atrocity hoaxing with the October 7th event, with decapitated babies and gang-rapes, breasts being cut off in front of children, all of this Looney Tunes, slapstick-type villainy they are lying about in order to justify war, lines up directly with what they did during and after World War II. It’s literally the exact same playbook. It is important to undermine the public’s belief in “Evil Hitler” and “The Holocaust,” but the Jews themselves are undermining this by saying that Iran is Hitler 2 and October 7th was Holocaust 2. (I wish a right-winger with a German or Slavic name that could pass for Jewish would go to Israel and interview Jews and prompt them to tell more of these spectacular stories of October 7th about killing babies and cutting women’s breasts off to throw at their children, as this ridiculous nonsense from the Jews, just like the videos of them sniffing a dead girl’s panties, are the best evidence against the Jews.) The Holocaust hoax cannot stand up to scrutiny, which is why questioning it is illegal in so many countries, and as Jewish standing in the world falls, the Holocaust will fall as well.

However, the logical arguments and explanations for the Jewish problem are not the most important thing right now. Right now, the primary concern is creating massive outrage and opposition to the Jews. It doesn’t need to be organized in any specific direction. Jews have always operated in darkness, enforced a silence about their behavior through nonstop claims of eternal victimhood. Their lies have never been very good. They were always easily disproved. It is simply that they make an emotional appeal to people. When the emotional weight of “oh woe unto us, we are such victims” falls apart, the stupid lies they use to defend themselves will also fall apart. That is why the most important thing is to keep a light on the Jews.

The Jews have insulated themselves inside of onion-like layers of lies, and inside of a year’s time, several of these layers have been stripped off. Israel is no longer considered to be a victim nation fighting against “terrorism.” They are a genocidal occupation state. Further, the fact that the entire US government is Zionist is now no longer a matter of debate. People are now beginning to see that there is an expansive, all-encompassing ethnic network inside of the Western media and government that works for the interests of global Jewry. Dominos are falling, and eventually, the truth will out. Once it is public and no longer a matter of debate that Jews are behind every diabolical thing on the planet earth, disempowering and isolating these Jews will no longer be a problem.

Truth is extremely powerful. It is the most powerful thing in the human realm. It’s also the only weapon that we, the dispossessed, have against these demonic creatures that rule over us with an iron fist. The only job that we have is to expose the truth. Right now, the world’s focus is on Israel, and that has to be exploited to maximum effect.

The reader probably does not think what the Jews are doing to Palestine is the most important atrocity the Jews are committing. Naturally, we in the West are going to be more concerned about the atrocities the Jews are committing against us: flooding us with immigrants, normalizing homosexuality and actively recruiting children into homosexuality, pushing women as the overlords of society, degrading our religion and morality, using the economic system to parasite off of our labor, destroying all of our freedoms through the democracy system, and so on and on. It’s natural for us to be much more concerned about these issues than about wars in the Middle East. But right now, the light is on the Middle East, and therefore that is where we must focus our energies in trying to show people the true nature of the global Jewish menace.