A Good Week for Russia: Turkey Says Assad can Stay, Russia Can Use Its Airbases

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 21, 2016


The bloody madman Vladimir Putin pulled off a friggin Turkish coup this week.

Unlike last month’s coup, which was a weird, confusing failure, this coup was a victory of monumental proportions. Russia could not have asked for a better deal if they had invaded and occupied the country.

Basically, it appears that the entire nation of Turkey has been stolen from the EU/America/Israel and given to Russia within a few short days. And this is after Turkey had shot down a Russian jet earlier this year (to protect ISIS) and the two countries were at each other’s throats.

I don’t even know how this is possible – and none of us ever will know, probably. It’s interesting to speculate, of course. Maybe Russia just offered a better deal, and Erdogan sees the West collapsing. Maybe he’s fearing a Trump win, and knows the whole Jew-ISIS scheme is about to collapse, and wanted out early.

All sorts of different things could have happened.

But the important thing is that it is clearly happening.

To have a top Sunni terrorist leader aligning himself with the top Shiite-supporter – this is nuts. Especially when this guy had such a sweet deal with NATO, he was ordering around Angela Merkel – down to being able to tell her to arrest Germans who made fun of him, he was making mad money selling ISIS oil to the Jews.

But look.

Turkey has officially announced that Assad can stay.

Fox News:

Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim says his country is willing to accept a role for Syrian President Bashar Assad during a transitional period in Syria.

However, Yildirim told foreign media representatives on Saturday that Assad has no place in Syria’s future.

The prime minister also said that Turkey would aim to become more of a regional player with regard to Syria in the next six months.

Obviously, they are taking this “well, he can stay for a while” stance so they aren’t 100% reversing their position immediately. Because this is from “Assad is the world’s number one villain,” which was their position up until last week.

assad laughs

There is no one to replace Assad, which is the whole point. Arabs won’t tolerate “democracy,” and everyone knows it, so the plan was Libya-style monkey madness, which Russia isn’t going to tolerate. Maybe someone from Assad’s cabinet could take over, just as a symbolic thing, but the Assad regime itself can’t possibly be removed and the country remain stable.

Turkey has also announced that Russia can used their airbases – the ones used by the US!


Ankara wouldn’t mind it if Russia used the Incirlik airbase for its anti-terror missions against Islamic State terrorists in Syria, Turkey’s Prime Minister Binali Yildirim hinted on Saturday, but acknowledged that no such requests have been made.

“Turkey opened Incirlik airbase to fight Daesh [Islamic State, formerly ISIS/ISIL] terrorists. It is being used by the US and Qatar. Other nations might also wish to use the airbase, which the Germans are also now using,” Yildirim told reporters on Saturday, as quoted by Anadolu news.

“If necessary, the Incirlik base can be used,” the PM said when asked if Moscow could share the airfield as well. At the same time, he firmly denied recent media reports claiming that Moscow has been pressuring Turkey to lease Incirlik to the Russian air force, saying “this information is not correct.”

Amid unsubstantiated reports that Washington might be moving its nuclear arsenal out of Turkey and into Romania, which Bucharest has already denied, Izvestia Daily fueled the rumors by reporting that Russia might soon move into the Turkish base.

Given the recent rapprochement between Moscow and Ankara, the Russian publication cited upper house member Igor Morozov as saying that “it just remains to come to an agreement with Erdogan that we get the NATO base at Incirlik as [our] primary airbase.”



Just like that!

I want to note that I still hate Erdogan.

But if he’s joining the good guys’ team, then so be it.


We’ll see though. This is complete and total 180, and I’m still of course suspicious of what is even going on here.

But making these kinds of public announcements… it isn’t possible that Turkey is tricking Russia. The IQ gap is too large for this to be physically possible.

russia turkey iq gap

So what other conclusion can we draw than that Russia just stole Turkey, without a shot being fired, inside of a week?

Also in international Russian butthurt-causing, Iran has announced that Russia can use its airbases for as long as it wants to.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani laughs during a address and discussion hosted by the Asia Society and the Council on Foreign Relations at the Hilton Hotel in midtown Manhattan, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013, in New York. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)


Iran will allow the Russian air force to use its Hamadan airbase for as long as Moscow sees fit, the country’s Defense Minister said, after Russian planes used the Iranian airfield to bomb terrorists in Syria for the first time this week.

Russia can station its forces at the base “for as long as they need” to support their mission against terrorists in Syria, Brigade General Hossein Dehghan said during a news conference on Saturday. Dehghan stressed that the base is solely to be used to launch airstrikes that “target gatherings, bases, and activities of terrorists.”

The Minister also stressed that the cooperation with Russia is based on the Islamic Republic’s general policies and the approval of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran. Permission to deploy an undisclosed number of Tupolev Tu-22M3 supersonic long-range strategic bombers and Sukhoi Su-34 strike fighters was granted at the request of Syria the Minister pointed out.

“It is a military decision made in the framework of cooperation in fighting IS and other terrorists, which was organized at the request of the Syrian government,” the Defense Minister said.

…In autumn of last year when Moscow began its air campaign, Russia, Iran, Iraq, and Syria established a joint information center in Baghdad to coordinate their operations against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIL/ISIS) militants.

All-in-all, it was a very good week for Russia.

And regardless of any details people want to bitch about, what is good for Russia is good for the White race.

The driving ideology behind the Putin regime is nationalism for the nations, which is why Putin supports nationalist parties throughout Europe and why he supports Donald Trump.

U.S. property mogul Trump holds a golf club during a media event on the sand dunes of the Menie estate

“Nationalism for the nations” is the diametric opposite of the ideology of the Jew-Feminist coalition of the West, which is “globalism for the goyim.”