Frederick Dixon
Western Spring
January 4, 2014

Just in case you hadn’t noticed, we have just celebrated the birth of Jesus – or at least enjoyed the Christmas holiday if we happen to be non-Christians. So this is as good a time as any to reflect upon babies, or rather upon the fact that rather too few White British babies are being born.
Until about 1970 our birth rate was running well above the replacement level of 2.1 children per woman; in those days the Daily Express was able to tell us “young couples forgo a new car to have that third baby”. With the end of the baby boom the birth rate slumped to around 1.6 and until very recently remained at that level which, in terms of numbers, means that at the birth rate’s nadir in the 1990s about 500, 000 children were born in England and Wales each year, only half the number born a generation earlier. That is not the end of the story, for while the overall birth rate may have been 1.6 children per woman, it differed wildly from one part of the population to another – if Pakistani women in Britain were averaging 3.6 children (and they were, and are) what could the birth rate have been among White British women? I have never seen that figure, perhaps it would be too alarming.
Since 2000 the birth rate has perked up considerably and is now at about 2.0 per woman, almost back to replacement level. There has been some slight improvement in the White British birth rate due to older women taking the plunge before time finally catches up with them, but the overwhelmingly predominant cause of this increase, as we all know, is the mass immigration of foreigners who are heavily concentrated in the child bearing age groups. The projected increases in our population are due entirely to further immigration and the progeny of immigrants, while the numbers of White British children born is certain to fall because of the on-going drop in the numbers of White British women in their child bearing years. Not only are there fewer White British women in their fertile years but they are having fewer children; it was reported the other day that, while forty years ago 10% of women had no children by the time they reached the cut-off age of 45, today the proportion is 18% and a further 17% have only one child. Forty six per cent of graduate women have no children by the age of forty five. So now we see why, according to the Department for Education, if things continue as they are, White British children will be a minority among under 18s in just 22 years from now.

Yes, it IS depressing, and I’m well aware that a depressing article stuffed full of statistics is the very best way of turning off readers, should there be any who have managed to get this far. Yet for a full understanding of the immediacy of our country’s dire plight there is nothing like cold, hard, statistics, and if anything should persuade us that we must pull out all the stops to save our nation – and to do it now – these are it.
I would not wish to put all of this before you if I could not see a chink of light in the darkness and a great opportunity for our people in the years to come. The late Malcolm Muggeridge once declared that liberalism is a collective death wish, and in the dwindling away of our people we can see the working out of the liberal disease. We see it in mass immigration, in the abortion of 200,000 babies every year, in the disintegration of the family, in race mixing, in the celebration of the “child free” status, in the elevation of career above child bearing, in degenerate and corrupting entertainment, in the schooling and broadcast media which promote all of this.
Yet WE, we racial nationalists can see all of this and so we can stand aloof from it, for racial nationalism, whatever else it may be, is above all a celebration of LIFE and the utter negation of that liberal death wish for which we are the cure. We know that whatever life may throw at us, whatever we may have to go without, the bearing of children in abundance is our greatest achievement, our gift to life, our duty to our race and nation, our duty to our forebears. Those of us who are denied children can still achieve great things for our race and nation through their work for the nationalist community. Thus, as the old society declines into a rotting, raceless chaos our racial nationalist society, multiplying generation by generation, will become our nation REBORN. We already have the ideology of that society – that we must maintain our racial identity free from non-European contamination and that our countries are for ourselves alone – and Western Spring and other groups are forging the sinews of our future community life.
If we have the courage and determination to lay the foundations NOW, our descendants will have what they need to build a new society and a restored country.