Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 28, 2015

With Henry Kissinger barely able to walk, George Soros is the last of the really smart Jews. As such, he is everywhere, doing everything.
Literally, you look behind any corner and there this rat is.
Here’s part of the essay/open letter to all goyim pigs that he wrote demanding Europe accept at least a million “asylum seekers” a year, indefinitely:
First, the EU has to accept at least a million asylum-seekers annually for the foreseeable future. And, to do that, it must share the burden fairly – a principle that a qualified majority finally established at last Wednesday’s summit.
Adequate financing is critical. The EU should provide €15,000 ($16,800) per asylum-seeker for each of the first two years to help cover housing, health care, and education costs – and to make accepting refugees more appealing to member states. It can raise these funds by issuing long-term bonds using its largely untapped AAA borrowing capacity, which will have the added benefit of providing a justified fiscal stimulus to the European economy.
It is equally important to allow both states and asylum-seekers to express their preferences, using the least possible coercion. Placing refugees where they want to go – and where they are wanted – is a sine qua non of success.
Second, the EU must lead the global effort to provide adequate funding to Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey to support the four million refugees currently living in those countries.
Thus far, only a fraction of the funding needed for even basic care has been raised. If education, training, and other essential needs are included, the annual costs are at least €5,000 per refugee, or €20 billion. EU aid today to Turkey, though doubled last week, still amounts to just €1 billion. In addition, the EU also should help create special economic zones with preferred trade status in the region, including in Tunisia and Morocco, to attract investment and generate jobs for both locals and refugees.
The EU would need to make an annual commitment to frontline countries of at least €8-10 billion, with the balance coming from the United States and the rest of the world. This could be added to the amount of long-term bonds issued to support asylum-seekers in Europe.
Third, the EU must immediately start building a single EU Asylum and Migration Agency and eventually a single EU Border Guard. The current patchwork of 28 separate asylum systems does not work: it is expensive, inefficient, and produces wildly inconsistent results in determining who qualifies for asylum. The new agency would gradually streamline procedures; establish common rules for employment and entrepreneurship, as well as consistent benefits; and develop an effective, rights-respecting return policy for migrants who do not qualify for asylum.
And it goes on. You can read more here, if you are so inclined.
Recently, Soros was found to be funding revolutions in both the Ukraine and Ferguson, Missouri.
He also funded the “Rose Revolution” in Georgia a few years back. More years back, he played a crucial role in fomenting Black revolution in South Africa.
A whole bunch of this stuff is on his Wikipedia page, and his own Open Society Foundation website – go read it.
I mean, sometimes he doesn’t immediately announce he is funding whichever revolution, but then comes out like “surprise, goyim, it was me all along goyim, surprise! you can thank me later for this vibrancy I brought you!”

I cannot answer the question as to why masses of people across the planet are not like “hey, who the hell is this Jew running all these systems and revolutions and telling us what to do about everything all the time?”
That question is beyond me.