A Missouri Murder Case the Media Could Care Less About

Daily Stormer
November 25, 2014

Pfffffffff.  Looks to me like they had it coming.  They were probably oppressing the guy with racism.
Pfffffffff. Looks to me like they had it coming. They were probably oppressing the guy with racism.  Maybe they themselves even owned slaves or turned the Jews into lampshades.

At the same time as the media flips out about Ferguson justice for Trayvon or whatever, a Black who allegedly murdered five White people is on trial in the same state and no one knows anything about it, save for the families of those involved.

It is literally “Black slaughters five White people?  Who cares!  We want justice for the Black guy who stole the cigars then tried to kill the cop!”

This appears to be utterly Orwellian, but it is simply the result of catering to the feelings of Black people, allowing their worldview to be taken seriously.

Black people look at this all in terms of us vs. them.  They are not thinking about White concepts of right and wrong, innocent and guilty.  Just like with OJ.  They didn’t care he was obviously guilty, they just wanted their team to win.

We would do well to understand that they are operating on this level, even if we do not choose to adopt the mindset ourselves.