Daily Stormer
February 11, 2014

You see, everything is going to be gay. This is the great fagification. This process will not stop until men are dragged behind a truck like Matthew Shepherd (who, by the way was killed as part of a bad drug deal, not because he was a homo) for engaging in normal vaginal sex with women.
As the Boy Scouts, on the first of this year, were forced to become gay, a penis-loving 17-year-old named Pascal Tessier, of Maryland, believed to be the first to take advantage of the new policy, was awarded the Scouts’ highest honor, becoming an Eagle Scout.
From the AP:
On Monday night, Boy Scout Troop 52 of Chevy Chase, one of the nation’s oldest, formed a circle and gave Pascal Tessier sustained applause and some handshakes and pats on the back. His achievement comes just weeks after the organization lifted its ban on gay youth and may make him the first publicly gay Eagle approved under the new policy.
Scoutmaster Don Beckham walked to the middle of the Scout circle after a series of announcements about supplies for the next campout and announced the 17-year-old Tessier was officially the troop’s newest Eagle. For Tessier, it represents six years of work, 27 merit badges and projects in service, leadership and outdoor skills. He put all that at risk, though, to advocate publicly against the Scouts ban on gays.
“A Scout is brave,” Beckham told the troop, quoting from the Boy Scout Law after presenting Tessier his Eagle badge.
“To be a leader, there are going to be situations where you are going to have to stand up for what you believe is right,” Beckham said. “You may be asked to make personal sacrifices, to potentially give up your dreams because you are helping to make something happen that is important for a lot of other people. … And when it’s a principle that you believe in, use your Scout training and stand up for what is right because a Scout is brave.”
Tessier’s mom, Tracie Felker, looked on with other parents and said it was “a new era.” The fight over the Boy Scouts’ membership policy has persisted for decades, including a Supreme Court decision in 2000.
[…]While there is no official tracking of gay members, Tessier is likely the nation’s first openly gay Eagle approved under the new policy, according to the advocacy group Scouts for Equality.
Tessier’s brother, Lucien Tessier, who also is gay and an Eagle Scout, launched an online petition last year gathering 130,000 signatures on Change.org after a local Scout official said it would be impossible for Pascal Tessier to complete his Eagle rank if he is openly gay.
For Tessier less than a year later, it’s “a huge sigh of relief” to finally have his Eagle badge approved by the Scouts’ national headquarters in Irving, Texas.
“Even if I had been kicked out along the way, I wouldn’t have changed anything,” he said. “The whole experience was something worth having, not only for myself but also for all the other people involved – and for all the people it affects.”
Oh, and his brother is also gay! What a strange coincidence! If I didn’t know better, I would suspect that they were both sexually abused as pre-pubescents by the same man – but of course I do know better, because everyone knows better: people who are gay are born that way.
Can you imagine the bravery of this boy, willing to stand up and be celebrated all through the media for openly announcing that he engages in anal behavior with other males? Truly, who can we compare such a figure with? Perhaps Abraham Lincoln, who freed the blacks from oppression of slavery, as Tessier is freeing penises from the oppression of vaginae.
Tessier says that when he turns 18, he plans to apply to be a Scout leader, to press the issue of the remaining ban on openly homosexual men leading boys into the forest on camping trips. This way, sleeping with little boys, with their parents far away, homosexuals can truly prove, once and for all, that they are not natural child predators.