A Positive Attitude Goes a Long Way

Daily Stormer
June 10, 2015

Matt Hale in 2015.

Though Matt Hale sits wrongfully locked in a cage, he remains in good spirits, and sends the following message of encouragement for those of us still in this struggle which sometimes feels so hopeless:

“It is very important that all of you keep a positive attitude. We can turn things around for our people. I am against any and all defeatism. In fact I see the best hope for our cause right now than I have ever seen. People are waking up. We just have to do our duty and things will go our way. Talk to as many people about our cause as you can. Stand openly and in public. Defy those who would seek to make you cower in fear. Hold your heads high and find your strength in the righteousness of our cause to preserve our kind! There is nothing more important than that our White people have a future. Today that future is very much in doubt. It is up to all of us to change that. I am with all of you and I know that you are with me.”

German Army - Third Reich - National Socialism - Menin Kampf
With dedication and courage, we shall prevail.