So, look. I was supposed to write a review of the assassination attempt today. But I didn’t. Frankly, the piece I wrote announcing that I was going to write that piece covered all my main points. But I’m still going to write a thing, hopefully tomorrow, explaining that the CIA doesn’t miss, so either that hit was a real “lone gunman” and the Secret Service was maliciously incompetent or incompetently malicious, or the thing was staged. Those are the two options. Anyone telling you that the CIA missed is lying or retarded. Period. I’m right.
Erik Prince of Blackwater private army infamy on the Trump shooting. Two things: (1) there were multiple shots, not just the one, so to say the least he was not a professional hitman. (2) If the 'Deep State' wanted Trump dead then he would be – a professional assassin would do it… https://t.co/tSVwQJZatT
— David Icke (@davidicke) July 15, 2024
Anyway, the bigger point I wanted to address is the implications of the shooting for the future and the incoming Trump presidency. Trump just announced Ultra-Israel Shill “JD Vance” (fake name) AKA “Nikki Haley with a Beard” as his VP. At this point, he could give a speech explaining how he is going to put Israel before America and the people shilling for him would keep on shilling.
But the fallout of the “assassination attempt” is what matters, and a reader wrote a very good analysis of that which I am going to share here.
Note: hopefully I’ll be on time tomorrow, but I will probably wake up late again. If you’re a morning reader, you’re still getting new articles in the morning, they’re just a few hours older than usual. I’m going to try to clean things up. We’re cleaning things up. I’m energized. I’m the “don’t vote” guy, I’m the anti-Trump guy, I’m the Toyota Hilux guy – we’ve got a Stormer arch, we’ve got a narrative, we’re going to crash the gate doing 98.
Reader comments follow.
Personally, I couldn’t care less about debating speculative theories as to what in fact happened here; nobody’s ever going to agree on the events of yesterday. Not tomorrow, not next week, nor a generation from now, the same as JFK and 9/11, no matter how many incontrovertible facts, witness statements, and official reports come to light. Other people are free to spend their time hashing out what they earnestly think happened, but I don’t see utility in doing so.
I’m not surprised that the shooter is a jew involved with blackrock. But I’m sorry to tell people, this is ultimately also a dead end and won’t have currency with the majority of Americans; Trump isn’t going to walk onto the RNC stage and start naming the jew, before outlining the finer details to machinations of blackrock. Trump supporters, a super majority of whom still support Israel, aren’t going to suffer a mass crisis of identity and back down from their positions, no matter how hard people on social media stress the shooter’s background. The amount of people who will change their minds on jews based on the shooter’s history is statistically negligible, I’m sorry to say. Normiecons will resort to and come up with 6 million and one different sophistries and biases to glaze over this information, the same as always.
So what really matters, from my perspective, is where we go from here. And I’d agree with Anglin to that point.
It’s admittedly been a gut feeling of mine since December, when Hunter Biden was indicted, and the Gaza conflict grew increasingly anticlimactic, amidst the backdrop of Joe’s cognitive decline, that a critical mass of jewish shotcallers probably began to at least entertain, if not prefer, a Trump 2024 win. That suspicion only grew stronger when I saw how irate jews increasingly became over the campus protests, in addition to Biden’s sparring with Netanyahu, while his administration essentially phoned in the bare minimum they could get away with in terms of backing up Israel militarily. This option would also rehabilitate republican voter confidence to some degree, and do more to keep the much vaunted democracy alive vs doubling down in Biden.
The debate, and subsequent controlled demolition of Biden’s credibility, by a critical mass of his own backers, pretty much rendered that scenario a fait accompli; and whatever happened here, the optics of the event itself, and that of the hordes of left-wingers saying Trump had it coming, and worse, have amounted to a coup de grace against the Biden campaign. For the jews, and their acolytes, Trump has become a sleeping aid marketed as a stimulant. At this point, swapping out Biden for Trump does more to keep the goyim asleep, while business commences as usual, than if Biden, or another democrat ham-handedly swapped into his place at the very last minute, were allowed to keep fucking up. Outwardly however, Trump has the natural appeal of a paradigm shift much of the founding stock of real Americans (who can trace their roots far and beyond the 1965 revision of American identity to a mere matter of ink and legalese), and even many nominal Americans, are pining after.
But in the final analysis, what’s really going to substantively change for the better assuming this to be the inevitable trajectory now? Would it be more likely Trump began ruling by decree, and bypassing the obstructive forces he ran up against 8-4 years ago in the deep state, judiciary, legislature, and even at the state and municipal levels, to enact his policies by any means necessary? Or will it just mean another post-election honeymoon period comes to pass, wherein Trump supporters are pacified back to sleep at the wheel of an assured continuity of deterioration of domestic policy, while neocohens again attain get everything they want on foreign policy in an unhappy and renewed power sharing agreement with Trump, no longer having to wheel and deal with a sharply divided and implacable democratic voter base and affirmative action junta masquerading behind a hollowed out, vegetable brained figurehead, where Israel is concerned?