A Visit to Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Site of the 1936 Winter Olympic Games

Daily Slave
October 15, 2014

Photo from the site of the 1936 Winter Olympics in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.

During my recent trip through Europe, I had the chance to spend a few days in Germany.  While in country, I spent most of my time in a town called Garmisch-Partenkirchen, which was the site of the 1936 Winter Olympic Games.  The town sits right near the border of Germany and Austria.  The best known landmark in town is the old Olympic stadium, which still contains the impressive looking ski jump.

From what I could gather, it appeared as if the stadium is still a significant tourist attraction for the Germans.  It is worth noting that the stadium also represents the starting point of a lengthy hiking trail that leads up to the top of a mountain called Zugspitze ,which at 9,718 feet above sea level represents Germany’s high point. This is undoubtedly another reason why people come here.  In fact, that was the main reason why I was visiting.  Getting a chance to see the stadium was just a bonus for me.

Considering that the 1936 Winter Olympic Games occurred during the reign of the National Socialists, I was curious to see how they described them.  Since the display of symbols relating to the National Socialists have been banned, there are no photos showing Adolf Hitler, swastikas or anything of the sort.  In fact, nothing about National Socialism is mentioned or referred to even though it is historically linked to the 1936 Winter Olympics.  It was as if they erased any link the games had to the National Socialists.

Adolf Hitler makes his way to the 1936 Winter Olympics.

One of the things that I found fascinating was that there was a sign detailing the history of the Olympic stadium in English.  What is so profound about this is the fact that it states point blank that Germany started World War II.  It is quite remarkable that a significant tourist attraction inside Germany literally has official material blaming its own people for starting World War II.  Truth be told, this is nothing but baseless Jewish propaganda as the historical context of World War II is much more complicated.

An English sign describing the history of the Olympic stadium that falsely blames Germany for starting World War II.

If the sign was telling the truth, it would have described all of the subversive activities Jews committed against the Germans prior to World War II.  The fact that Jews declared war on Germany in 1933 is something that has been conveniently erased from the history books.  Without going into great historical detail, it is fairly obvious that Jewish interests were primarily behind the outbreak of World War II.  Hitler and the National Socialists are blamed for the war because Germany directly opposed the Jewish power structure and it is the winners of wars that write the history books.  The vanquished are never asked or permitted to give their point of view on the official narrative.  This is why Hitler, even 70 years after World War II, is still continuously portrayed as the most evil man ever to live by Jewish controlled media and entertainment companies.  Jews have used their ridiculous Holocaust hoax to shame Germans into believing that their ancestors committed horrible atrocities, even though these are ridiculous lies.  They have done this to psychologically program the German people to steer away from their National Socialist past, even though they should be proud of it.  Germany, during the 1930s, became the world’s most advanced civilization under the banner of National Socialism and this is nothing to be ashamed of.

It is unfortunate that following World War II, Germany has become an occupied territory of foreign countries.  Even today it remains occupied by American military forces.  There is actually an American military base located in the Garmisch-Partenkirchen area.  If you visit the town you might see some American military personnel wandering around.  As an American, I personally found the presence of American soldiers in Germany deeply offensive.  There is no reason for American military troops to be in Germany 70 years after World War II.  It is time to end the American occupation of Germany.  Give Germany back to the Germans.  The continued American military presence brings shame not only to Germany but to America as well.

With that said, let’s hope that the German people will rise again and embrace their National Socialist past.  It is time for them to reclaim their heritage from the evil Jews that have stolen it.

Below are some pictures I took of the Olympic stadium.  Considering that much of this was originally built back in the 1930s, it is an impressive achievement that the German people should be proud of.
















